‘Contract Purchase Agreement’ Template enablesusers to create purchase agreements with suppliers based on specific terms and conditions without specifying the goods and services that you will be purchasing. Standard Purchase Orders can be issued referencing the terms and conditions in the contracts.
Note: This functionality is available in Release 12.1.3 where the latest rollup patch is applied, and also in 12.2 versions and onwards.
12.1.3 latest rollup details are available inNote 1468883.1– 12.1.3: Procurement Family Update – Consolidated Rollup Patch : 22779630:R12.PRC_PF.B
From the Purchase Order Wizard ribbon click ‘Select Template’. The ‘Generate template’ form will open. Choose the Mode of 'Contract Purchase Agreement' from the dropdown options:
Click the 'Create New' button to create the 'Contract Purchase Agreement' Template and click ‘OK’ to close the form:
Double-click in a cell in either Header, Terms, Effectivity to invoke the form for the applicable section. Complete the necessary information in each section.
Note - The Global flag defaults to Yes. Local Contract Purchase Agreements are no longer supported in Release 12.
Terms and Conditions
‘Required by’ is enterable depending on the value selected in ‘Acceptance Required’.
Note: You cannot provide an ‘Amount Limit’ without providing a valid ‘Amount Agreed’. The Import Program will reject the record.
The value entered in `Amount Limit’ should be at least equal to ‘Amount Agreed’.
Upload Contract Purchase Agreements
Once you have entered all your data on the sheet, click the ‘Upload’ icon and select either ‘Upload Selected’ or ‘Upload All’ to load the data in Oracle.