Purchase Order Wizard


Blanket Purchase Agreement

Adding New Lines and Price Breaks
By using the Blanket Purchase Agreement template worksheet, PO Wizard enables you to add Lines and Price Breaks to existing agreements using the ‘Process Option’ of ‘Update’.
The simplest way to do this is to download the Blanket Purchase Agreement, using the Blanket Purchase Agreement Template worksheet (Refer to section: Download Purchase Orders) then enter details either directly into the worksheet or use the forms provided.
When you add new lines to an existing Blanket Purchase Agreement, use the ‘Line Action’ of ‘ADD’ for the new lines, and ‘Line Action’ of ‘UPDATE’ for the existing lines:
To upload the changes, refer to the Upload Purchase Orders sections for detailed instructions.
Important Notes - Price Breaks
The Purchasing Open Interface does not currently support updating Price Breaks on existing records.  Pending an enhancement request for the functionality (Bug 5001013), remove the Break Number (line number for the Price Break/Shipment) before uploading the line changes.  This avoids encountering a known Oracle error ‘Shipment Num must have a unique value’.
Change Existing Data
For Blanket Purchase Agreements the following data can be modified using the Blanket Purchase Agreement Template worksheet:
       Line Price
       Line Description
       Line Expiration Date
When you change any of the above data, ensure the Process Option on the ribbon is ‘Update’.
Refer to section: