Purchase Order Wizard


Change API

Purchase Order Wizard provides a ‘Change API’ Template which enables you to change existing data (allowed by the Oracle interface) for Standard Purchase Orders and Blanket Releases.
For Standard Purchase Orders the following data can be updated by using the ‘Change API’ worksheet:
     New Quantity
     New Price
     Ship New Quantity
     Ship New Price
     Ship New Promised Date
     Ship New Need By Date
     DFF at Line Level – This is dependent on the Profile Option of ‘More4Apps: POW Change API Enable Line DFF’ being set prior to creating the template.  The Profile Option is required to be set as this is a direct insert into the Oracle tables and is not supported by Oracle.
     DFF at Shipment Level – This is dependent on the Profile Option of ‘More4Apps: POW Enable Change API Shipment DFF’ being set prior to creating the template.  The Profile Option is required to be set as this is a direct insert into the Oracle tables and is not supported by Oracle.
For Blanket Purchase Agreements, NO data can be updated using the ‘Change API’ worksheet.
You can modify data using Blanket Purchase Agreement Template worksheet.  Refer to:  Blanket Purchase Agreement
For a Blanket Release the following data can be updated by using the ‘Change API’ worksheet. 
     Ship New Quantity
     Ship New Price
     Ship New Promised Date
     Ship New Need By Date
Create the ‘Change API’ Template
To update the data detailed above you first need to select the ‘Wizard Mode’ of ‘Change API’ from the Purchase Order Wizard ribbon e.g. On the ribbon click the ‘Select Wizard Mode and/or Template’ button, then select the ‘Mode’ of ‘Change API’ on the ‘Generate template’ form.  (Refer to section:  Set up the Worksheet).
Click the ‘Create New’ button and click ‘OK’.
When using this mode, the ‘Process Option’ field is not available to be selected, it is removed from the ribbon.
Note - You can have multiple sheets in your worksheet with different Templates.
Refer to cell A7 to identify the Template used.
When using any of the functions provided by Purchase Order Wizard the worksheet Template and Wizard Mode must be the same otherwise an error message will appear.  To proceed, correct the Wizard Mode to be the same as the Template.
There are three ways to populate information in the worksheet:
a)     Import, type or paste data directly into the cells provided.  No validation is performed until you run the upload program or open the Header, Line or Shipment form.
b)     Use the forms provided to enter the data for Standard Purchase Orders or Blanket Releases.  Data is validated and lists of values are available.  To enter data in this way first position your cursor on the row you wish to contain the Purchase Order data.  Then double-click in one of the cells or alternatively click on the ‘Form’ button on the ribbon.
c)      Use the ‘Download’ form or ‘Download using sheet data’ button to download existing Standard Purchase Orders or Blanket Releases.  You can then use one of the methods above to update the Purchase Order information. 
Refer to the Download section of this document.
Worksheet Layout and Forms
Results Section
The first three columns in your worksheet are used by the Wizard to provide the Status message for each of the sections (Header, Line and Shipments).
Header Section
The Header section holds the Message, ID and Header details.  Either enter the PO Number directly into the worksheet; or open the form by double-clicking on the row or click the ‘Form’ icon and select the ‘Header’ button on the Purchase Order Wizard Ribbon.
A read only column ‘Document Type’ has been included in Change API, PO Close, and Cancel PO worksheets to identify PO type when downloading.
If you have opened the form then either enter the PO Number directly into the form or select from the list of values provided.
Select ‘Ok’ to write the details into your worksheet or select the ‘Cancel’ button to ignore the details entered and return to the worksheet.
Line Section
To enter details in the Line section you must first enter the ‘PO Number’.
     Standard Purchase Order/Blanket Release
Enter data directly into the worksheet for the following fields:
Number, New Quantity or New Price (Standard Purchase Order)
Release Number (Blanket Release)
Open the forms by double-clicking on the column or clicking the ‘Forms’ icon and selecting ‘Lines Form’ on the Purchase Order Wizard Ribbon.
If you have opened the form either enter the values directly into the form or select from the list of values provided.
Select ‘Ok’ to write the details into your worksheet or select the ‘Cancel’ button to ignore the details entered and return to the worksheet.
Shipments Section 
This section is applicable to Standard Purchase Orders and Blanket Releases.  Before entering details in the Shipments section it is recommended that the line section be completed.
Enter the data directly into the worksheet or double-click in one of the columns in the ‘Shipments’ section and the form will display.  If you have opened the form either enter the values directly into the form or select from the list of values provided. 
Select ‘Ok’ to close the form and write the details into your worksheet or select the ‘Cancel’ button to ignore the details entered and return to the worksheet.
After completing your worksheet upload the data by referring to the Upload Purchase Orders section of this document.
To change the price at line level:
1.   Ensure the ‘Ship New Price’ field in the Shipments section is blank.
2.   Specify the new price at the line level.
Result:  The line price and the shipment prices are updated to the new price specified at the line level.
Note - If pricing is updated at shipment level this price will overwrite any values entered at line level.
To change the quantity on a multi shipment line:
1.   Ensure the ‘New Quantity’ field in the Line information section is blank.
2.     Specify the new quantity at the shipment level.
Result:  The line quantity will be updated with the total of the shipment quantities.
Note - If quantities are updated at line level when multiple shipments exist, the upload will end in error.  If quantities are entered in both line and shipment sections, the upload will overwrite any value entered at line level with shipment quantities.
Refer to section: