Item Wizard


Download Relationships

In some ways it is easier to download your current transactions first.  To do this, the mode offers two methods to download.  These two options can be found in the Item Wizard ribbon.
Download using Sheet Data
Using the Maintain Relationships you can specify values in the sheet columns.  Then using the ‘Download using sheet data’ ribbon option, it will download based on the criteria selected on the sheet.  For example:
This will download all Specifications that begin with ‘AS%’.  This would then download as shown below:
Download Form
Alternatively, the Download Form can be used to download your relationships directly into the spreadsheet.  On the Item Wizard ribbon, click the ‘Download’ icon and select ‘Download Form’.
The ‘Download Form’ will open:
This form gives the option to download based on the depicted fields.  Once the desired values are entered, click the ‘Download’ button on the form and the retrieved values will be downloaded to the sheet.
Refer to section: