Element Entry Wizard

  • Error Handling and Validation

Error Handling and Validation

There are three levels of validation:
         The Batch Header Form and Element Lines Form perform some field-level validation.  This includes lists of values, search functions and some formatting rules (date/money etc).
         The upload process will perform additional validation, particularly to ensure that data not entered via the Element Lines form still meets a reasonable standard. 
         The Batch Element Entry Concurrent Program (API) does a large amount of validation, with some complex rules about who is eligible for the element.  Rather than replicate all of these rules in our product, we leave it to the Batch Element Entry Concurrent Program to accept or reject the data.  We provide a mechanism to see the errors and replace the erroneous data.
To modify data after the upload process has run (before running the concurrent program in transfer mode) refer to the section Correct Element Entry Errors after Upload
To modify data after the ‘Batch Element Concurrent Program’ has run in transfer mode, refer to the paragraphs below.
The following paragraphs outline a range of actions you may or may not need to take after the Batch Element Concurrent Program has run in Transfer ‘Process Mode’:
         Delete an Element Entry that is Rejected
         Change the data for an Element Entry that is Rejected
         Delete or Change the data for an Element Entry that is Processed
         Add a new Element Entry
         Delete an Entire Batch from the Interface
Delete an Element Entry that is Rejected
Place the cursor on the row that you need to delete.
Click on the ‘Delete’ button.
The status of the line will be changed to Deleted and the line number will be removed.
The element entries are deleted from the Batch Element Entry interface tables only.
Change the data for an Element Entry that is ‘Rejected’
Use the Element Lines form to change the data for the element entry.  Alternatively type or paste directly into the fields.
Note - You should not attempt to update the Assignment Number of a record that has already been loaded into the Batch Element Entry.  This is a limitation/restriction of the standard Batch Element Entry Open Interface and you will not be able to transfer the record.  If you need to change the Assignment Number at this stage, then delete this record from the current batch and create a new batch to upload.
Place the cursor in the row, select ‘Validate and Upload’ and click on the ‘Upload’ button and select ‘Upload Selected’ on the ribbon.
This row will attempt to be uploaded again.  If it is successful it will get a status of Pending otherwise it will get a status Rejected.
Delete or Change the data for an Element Entry that is ‘Processed’
Once a record has a status of Processed, it has already been transferred into Oracle HR.  If you do need to make corrections to what was transferred, then you could use the standard Oracle Forms functionality to make changes.  Alternatively create a new worksheet and use the Wizards download functionality to extract the information, make changes and re-load.
Add a new Element Entry
Once the Batch Element Entry Concurrent Program has been run in Transfer ‘Process Mode’, you cannot add a new row (element entry) to the Batch.  You will get an ‘ORA-20001: PAY_33240_BTH_STATUS_CHANGED:’ error message.  This is a restriction/limitation of the standard Batch Element Entry Open Interface. 
You will need to create a new worksheet and batch for the new Element Entry.
Delete an Entire Batch from the Interface
Once you have finished transferring the data and you are satisfied with the result, you can run the Batch Element Entry Concurrent Program in ‘Purge’ mode and remove the entire batch from the interface tables.