Upload BudgetsBudget Wizard allows users to upload a single, a range, or all Budgets. When you have multiple budgets on a worksheet and perform an upload, either for one or multiple budgets, Budget Wizard needs to determine the start and end rows for each budget.
If you wish to upload project budgets multiple times, then simply delete the details in the ‘UPLOAD RESULTS’ column(s) and re-run the upload process.
The program cannot know if the last upload was baselined or not, so the ‘Upload Ok’ column serves for both Create Draft Budget and Baseline Budget.
The Upload Rules are:
The upload program starts at the column headed ‘Period Name’ and continues processing every column until it encounters an empty cell in row 9, which otherwise should contain a period name.
When you have multiple budgets on a worksheet and perform an upload, either for one or multiple budgets, Budget Wizard needs to determine the start and end rows for each budget.
Each budget starts with a Project Number in the ‘Project Number’ column. You only have the Project Number once per budget. Any repetition or a new value and Budget Wizard will decide the budget has ended. If it discovers the new Project Number is the same as the old one, you will get a warning message.
Budget/Plan Header information also plays a role. It is acceptable to have no header settings within the range of rows being uploaded. In this case Budget Wizard will search upwards until it finds some. This means you are able to have only one lot of settings for your entire worksheet.
Refer to section: