Budget Wizard


Upload All Budgets

To upload all budgets, complete the following:
1) Click the ‘Edit Upload Options’ icon on the ribbon.
The following screen displays:
Choose the options you need for the upload and click on the ‘Accept’ button.
2)   Choose from the dropdown list on the Wizard ribbon – ‘Baseline Budget’, ‘Leave as Draft’ or ‘Validate Only’.
3)     Click the ‘Upload’ icon and select ‘Upload All’ on the ribbon.
This upload option ignores the cursor location and goes straight to row 10 to begin uploading.  It ignores project budgets with ‘Ok’ in the ‘Upload Ok’ column and continues to the next project.  It will process all the budgets on the worksheet.
Successful budget data will return ‘Ok’ in the ‘Upload Ok’ column or rejected budget data will return Rejected in the ‘Upload Ok’ column.
Where a Rejected message occurs, rectify any issues as outlined in the Error Handling and Validation section of this document.
Refer to section: