The BOM Component Form enables you to enter Component information for the Assembly.
To use the BOM Component Form position your cursor on the row where you want to enter the Component information (below row 9), click on the ‘Forms’ icon on the ribbon and select ‘Components’. You will need to have already entered the Assembly Header information. Alternately double-click on any cell in the ‘Components’ section of the worksheet.
Prerequisites: Inventory Org Code and Assembly
Fields highlighted yellow require a value.
The following form will appear:
Component Upload Action - The list of values contains the upload actions available for the Component section.
Item Seq - Enter the sequence of the Component on the Bill. This number must be unique for each Component for a given effectivity range.
Basis Type - The list of values contains ‘Item’ or ‘Lot’.
Operation - The list of values contains all Operations in the related Routing or a default value of ‘1’ if there is no related Routing. On a Bill, the Operation Sequence indicates the order in which you perform Operations on a Routing.
New Operation - The list of values contains all Operations in the related Routing or a default value of ‘1’ if there is no related Routing.
Qty Per Assembly & Inverse Usage – Qty Per Assembly is the inverse of Inverse Usage. To keep things consistent with Oracle the calculation is not by the BOM Wizard. Either Inverse Usage or Qty Per Assembly is uploaded allowing Oracle to calculate and save the inverse value for the other field. If both values are on the sheet during an upload, only the Qty Per Assembly value is uploaded. There is no default value shown in the BOM Wizard as a default of of 1 is applied by Oracle if both fields are uploaded blank. Negative values and zeros are allowed.
Component Eng Item - Only available for Engineering BOM mode. This information-only field will show if the Component is an Engineering Item or not. The Engineering mode can use both Engineering and Manufacturing Items. The Manufacturing modes (Bill of Materials, Asset, Maintenance, Rebuildable) restrict the download and upload to exclude Engineering items.
Component - The list of values contains all Items available in the nominated Organization except the Assembly Item. The list is mode specific, for example, in Engineering BOM mode the list contains both engineering and manufacturing items, in Bill of Materials mode, the list contains only manufacturing items.
Component Delete Group - The list of values contains all Component Delete Groups defined in the Organization. The Wizard does not perform the actual delete itself, it adds the Component to the nominated existing Delete Group. You cannot create Delete Groups within the Wizard; only add to existing Delete Groups. To actually delete the Component, you need to log into Oracle to submit the concurrent program from the Delete Group form.
Date Effectivity tab
(All modes)
Effective From - Use the calendar to enter the Date/Time at which the Component will be implemented. Once created, do not change the Effective From field Date/Time as it is part of the unique identifier for the Component.
New Effective From - Use the calendar to change the Date/Time at which the Component will be implemented. Use this field if it is necessary to change the Effective From date/time of a Component. Note: you can only change the Effective From date/time if it is in the future and not effective yet.
Effective To - Use the calendar to enter the Date/Time at which the Component will be disabled.
Unit Effectivity Tab
(Bill of Materials, Engineering BOM, Maintenance BOM, Rebuildable BOM modes)
From End Item Unit Number - The list of values contains all Unit Numbers in the Organization.
New From End Item Unit Number - The list of values contains all Unit Numbers in the Organization except the From End Item Unit Number.
To End Item Unit Number - The list of values contains all Unit Numbers in the Organization except the From End Item Unit Number.
Disabled Units - A Yes/No flag describing whether the Component is disabled.
Serial Effectivity Tab
(Asset BOM, Rebuildable BOM modes)
From End Item Serial Number - The list of values contains all Serial Numbers prescribed for the Assembly Item.
New From End Item Serial Number - The list of values contains all Serial Numbers prescribed for the Assembly Item.
To End Item Serial Number - The list of values contains all Serial Numbers prescribed for the Assembly Item.
Disabled Serial - A Yes/No flag describing whether the Component is disabled.
Component Details Tab
(All modes)
Planning Percent - Enter the component usage percentage. Valid values are 1 – 100 (100 for a standard Bill).
Quantity Related Reference Designator - A Yes/No flag describing whether there needs to be a Reference Designator for each usage of the Component. When set to Yes the number of Reference Designators for a Component must equal the Qty Per Assembly value.
Yield - Enter the percentage of the Component that survives the manufacturing process. Valid values are decimals between 0 and 1.
Include in Cost Rollup - A Yes/No flag describing whether the Component’s costs are to be included in a Cost Rollup.
Enforce Integer Requirements - The list of values contains ‘Up, Down, None’.
Component Comments - Enter your Component related comments.
Material Control Tab
(All modes)
WIP Supply Type - The list of values contains the various Work In Process phases of production in a manufacturing plant.
Supply Subinv - The list of values contains the Sub Inventories from where a Component can be pulled.
Supply Locator - The list of values contains the locations from where a Component can be pulled.
Order Management Tab
(All modes)
Check ATP - A Yes/No flag describing whether the Component is Available To Promise.
Optional - A Yes/No flag describing whether the Component is mandatory or optional on an Option Class Bill
Mutually Excl - A Yes/No flag describing whether the Components in a Model BOM are optional or mutually exclusive.
Min Order Qty - Enter a value to define an order quantity below which it is not profitable to build the item. Must be less than or equal to the Qty Per Assembly.
Max Order Qty - Enter a value to define an order quantity above which you do not have sufficient capacity to build the item. Must be greater than or equal to the Qty Per Assembly.
Shipping Information Tab
(All modes)
Required For Revenue - A Yes/No flag describing whether the Component is required to recognize revenue before you ship the order.
Required To Ship - A Yes/No flag describing whether the Component is required to ship the order.
Include On Ship Docs - A Yes/No flag describing whether Oracle Order Management prints the Components on external shipping documents, such as pack slips and commercial invoices.
Refer to section: