Bill of Material Header Form
The BOM Header form enables you to enter header information about the assembly (Bill of Materials).
To open the BOM Header form, position the cursor on the row where you want to enter the Bill of Material information (below row 9), then click on the ‘Forms’ icon and select ‘Bill of Material’. Alternatively, you can simply double-click on any cell in the Header section.
The following is an example of the Engineering Bill of Material Header form.
Bill of Material tab:
If data exists on the spreadsheet for the Header/Assembly, the fields in the form will automatically populate with these values.
Fields highlighted yellow require a value.
BOM Upload Action - The list of values contains the upload actions available for the Header section.
Inventory Organization Code - The list of values contains all Organizations relevant to Responsibility.
Assembly - The list of values contains all Items available in the nominated Organization.
Assembly Description - Will populate with the Item description when an Assembly is chosen.
Alternate - The list of values contains all Alternates defined for the Organization.
Exploder Level - Will populate with the sheet value.
Assembly UOM - Displays the Assembly Item Unit of Measure.
Assembly Item Type - Displays the User Item Type (PTO Model, Supply Item ...)
Common Assembly Org - Organization of the Bill to which the Assembly is common.
The list of values contains all Organizations relevant to Responsibility.
Common Assembly - The Bill to which the Assembly is common. The list of values contains all Bills available in the nominated Organization with the same Alternate as the Assembly.
Common Assembly Description - Populated when Common Assembly is not blank.
Enable Attributes Update - A Yes/No flag describing whether certain Component Attributes of a Common Bill can be updated.
Assembly Delete Group - The list of values contains all the Bill Delete Groups for the Organization.
Roll Up Costs - A Yes/No flag describing whether to run the concurrent Cost Rollup program.
Cost Type for Rollup - The list of values contains the Cost Types relevant to the Organization.
Include Cost Rollup Report - A Yes/No flag describing whether to tell the concurrent Cost Rollup program to produce a report. The Report must be viewed on EBS.
Assembly Eng Item - Engineering BOM mode only.
Shows whether the Assembly is an Engineering Item or a Manufacturing Item.
Revision Tab:
Revision - Displays the current Revision for the Assembly unless a specified Revision was downloaded via the Download Form.
Revision Label - Displays the Revision Label.
Revision Description - Displays the Revision Description.
Revision Implementation - The Date/Time the Revision became/will become implemented.
New Revision - Enter the new Revision for the Assembly to be created.
New Revision Label - Enter the New Revision Label.
New Revision Description - Enter the New Revision Description.
New Revision Implementation - Enter The Date/Time the Revision will become implemented.
Once you have entered your data click the:
OK button to transfer the information back to Excel.
Cancel button if you wish to revert to the values at the time you opened the form.
Refer to section: