Worksheet Column Label
Table column name or procedure parameter name retrieved from the database. This value cannot be changed and is used to map your configuration back to the database object.
Order By
The order that the columns appear in the worksheet and on the data entry forms (lowest number to highest).
Choose to display or hide the column from the user. Columns that are not displayed can still be used to pass values to the database object and are useful when you need to control default values.
If columns are not required entering 'No' will create smaller more manageable templates for your users.
Indicate if the column should be mandatory.
If the selected table/procedure requires a value for this field, the value will be automatically set to Yes (and coloured grey).
This will appear as a yellow field in the data entry form and be validated by the Wizard as a not null column.
Custom View Label
Change your Wizard column headings to more meaningful values for your users. Spaces in column headings are acceptable.
Enter your own comments which will be displayed as Excel cell comments. These are useful when you need to describe more about the column to users.
Read Only
Choose to make a column read-only where data is displayed but not uploaded.
Section Name
This data is read only and based on the definition retrieved from the database.
Sections can be renamed in the 'Selected Sections' tab in the 'Manage Templates form.
Note that parent sections should only have one Header row of data for each of their multiple related child rows.
Read only column, indicates type of column/parameter.
Data Type
Defaults to datatype of the database column/parameter. This can be changed if appropriate using the list of values on the cell.
Default Type
Enter defaults using the list of values where appropriate.
Defaults are hidden from the user in the worksheet and only populate during validate or when the form is opened.
Tip: Double-click in any of the Default cells if you would like to open a form to assist with data-entry.
Select from the following options:
None – No default
Value – To set a constant
SQL Statement – To dynamically select a value
Parent – Set this field to the value of another field in the list
Oracle Function – Call an Oracle function on upload to set the default.
Default Value
Important: If the Template definition has a 'Default Value' assigned to a column, and the user has entered a value in Row10, the Row10 value will override the Template default.
Enter the default value based on the 'Default Type' of the column:
Value Example:
This is a constant value
SQL Statement Example:
select sysdate from dual
Parent Example:
This is the 'Name' value as extracted from the database object rather than the 'Custom View label'.
Oracle Function Example:
The function syntax is always hidden from the user and the value is pasted into the sheet on upload.
Tip: Hide the column by setting Display=No if you do not want your user to be able to modify the default value that you are setting.
Default Cached
For default values select the appropriate caching option from the list:
None - The function/sql statement will be re-run for every row uploaded. Necessary for Oracle sequences as an example.
Per Session - The function/sql statement will be run once per session and all other rows will be uploaded with the same value until the user logs out or the session is disconnected. This will improve performance.
Per Upload - The function/sql statement will be run once per upload of selected records. This is useful when values like group_id's need to be different per upload, but the same for all records in the upload.
LOV Type
Enter List of Value (LOV) information where appropriate.
Tip: Double-click in any of the LOV cells if you would like to open a form to assist data-entry and sql validation.
Select from the following options:
Shortlist – Creates a dropdown list in the form that the user can select a value from.
Longlist – Search criteria can be entered (usually using the wildcard ‘%’) and matching values are returned for the user to select.
Key Flexfield – If this field is a key flexfield in Oracle EBS and you want a list of values, use this option.
Select 'Yes' to ensure only distinct values are displayed in the LOV. This may affect performance on long lists.
Extra LOV Fields
Enter the database column names of other fields to be displayed in the LOV, but not used during validation. Separated with a comma.
Table name(s) where LOV columns are sourced from.
Table joins and other conditions where LOV columns are sourced from.
Grouping Rule
Grouping/Order By information where LOV columns are sourced from.
LOV Upload Field
The name of the field from the LOV definition to be sent to the database object.
Leave blank if the same as the Display field.
LOV Display Field
The name of the field that displays in the Wizard sheet from the LOV definition.
LOV Display Width
The Wizard attempts to default this but at times it becomes too complex. If a LOV column is too wide, or narrow in the Wizard form, modify the template and change/remove this value.
LOV Cache Type
The LOV Cache Type can be Single-Row or Multi-Row, this will set whether the wizard queries each value (Single-Row) or 200 rows at a time (Multi-Row) during Upload. In order to use Multi-Row the LOV query needs to be optimized to run effectively.
Application Name
Application name for the Key Flexfield definition
Key Flexfield Code
Key Flexfield Code.
Key Flexfield Number
This needs to resolve the defining column of the key flexfield structure (explained below).
Default as read from the database indicating the type of parameter.