Application Interface Wizard


PL/SQL Validation

Under the Validation tab we are able to also build our own PL/SQL validation for our loaded.
The form is made up of three sections:
1.    PL/SQL Variables
This box is where your PL/SQL variables will populate:
     p_ID will be the LOV Upload field value (If a LOV is assigned to the column.  Or else will be NULL.
     p_MEANING is the sheet value.  This will always be populated regardless of a LOV.
     p_ERROR can be set to an error message to fail validation and write to the sheet.
     b_REQUIRED can be set to TRUE to make a column mandatory for upload (or false for the opposite.
2.    PL/SQL Declare
Your variables and dependencies must be created here, use the dependency builder to build variables to which you can then use those in the PL/SQL Body section.
The following form will appear:
We are then able to add in our own dependencies where we can specify the dependent LOV fields for example:
3.    PL/SQL Body
In this section the PL/SQL validation can be entered, for example we want to set a column to be required when we are doing an update or delete.  The following image shows this:
Note the following regarding the PL/SQL variables:
-p_ID can be assigned a new ID for upload, or if a LOV is tied to a column p_ID will be the ID value from the LOV.
-p_ERROR can be assigned to write messages back.  This does NOT have to be set if b_REQUIRED is used, otherwise this MUST be set with a message.
-b_REQUIRED is used to set a columns mandatory property for upload.  If this is true then a value MUST be provided for upload.
-b_REQUIRED can be set to TRUE or FALSE here independently of p_ERROR.
-b_REQUIRED will default to the columns mandatory setting.
The PL/SQL can then be validated using the Validate button.  This will then either display a success message or an error in which you will need to fix the validation.
We can then also use the ‘Run Query’ to test the validation:
This functionality gives us the ability to provide values to be put through the validation, as seen from the illustration below:
Once this is complete and we have saved our PL/SQL we can see in the form that the fields change based on what Upload Mode is selected based on our PL/SQL written:
Refer to section: