Supplier Wizard


Contact Tab

If changing or creating contact details a ‘Contact Update Mode’ is required of either ‘Create’ or ‘Update’. 
Refer to section: Update Modes
The ‘Contact’ tab is associated with a site, therefore to enter the contact details you first need to select the Site and then the Contact tab on the form.
After navigating to the ‘Contact’ tab, you will note that Site 3 has been selected.  To add a new contact to the Site, click on the  tab as indicated below.
An additional tab will then be provided which will enable you to enter the appropriate details.
These details will be added to the worksheet when you close the form by selecting the ‘Ok’ button at the base of the form.
Warning – When using ‘Update’ on Contact records there is an Oracle bug on r12.1.3 and later where Contact Names may not update consistently.  Please refer to the following Oracle support document “AP_VENDOR_PUB_PKG.UPDATE_VENDOR_CONTACT_PUBLIC Does Not update supplier contact’s First name and Last name (Doc ID 1678723.1)” and determine whether you should apply the recommended Patch. 
The Wizard will check for this and the following message will also be displayed:
Note – This message will only be visible if the active worksheet has the Contact section columns in it.
For those Organizations that do not plan to run the patch or do not think it is appropriate for their circumstances we have supplied a Profile Option which can be used to switch this warning prompt on/off.  The Profile Option is called More4Apps: SW Patch 18455207 – Suppress Warning.  To set it to suppress the warning do the following:
1.    Run the job to reinstall all Profile Options to ensure it is installed:
       Click Alt+F8 to open the Macros dialogue box
       Select Reinstall_ProfileOptions from the list and click Run (as shown below)
2.    In EBS forms using a Responsibility with access to maintain System Profile Options values set the value to Yes (as shown below).
3.     Log out of the Supplier Wizard and log back in to pick up the new value.
Refer to section: