To create a Purchase Order you first need to stipulate the type of Purchase Order.
On the Purchase Order Wizard ribbon click the ‘Select Wizard Template/Mode’ button, then select the ‘Mode’ from the options provided – Blanket Purchase Agreement, Standard Purchase Order, Complex Purchase Order or Quotation. (Refer to section: Set up the Worksheet).
Click the ‘Create New’ button on the ‘Generate template’ form. The appropriate template will now be used.
Note - You can have multiple sheets in your worksheet using different Templates. Refer to cell A7 to identify the appropriate Template used.
Sections on your worksheet will differ between Templates:
• Blanket Purchase Agreement – Header, Line, Price Break Information
• Standard Purchase Order - Header, Lines, Shipments, Distributions
• Quotation – Header, Lines, Price Break
• Change API – Header, Line, Shipments
• PO Close – Header, Line Information, Shipments
• Blanket Release Close – Header, Shipments
• Complex PO – Header, Lines, Pay Items, Distributions
• Cancel PO – Header, Line, Shipments
• AutoCreate – Header, Line, Req Distributions
• Contract Purchase Agreement – Header, Terms and Conditions
When using any of the buttons on the Purchase Order Wizard ribbon, the worksheet Template and Wizard Mode must be the same otherwise the following message will be received:
Either correct the Wizard Mode to be the same as the Template or create a new sheet with the correct Template.
Note: Only the Wizard Mode name is required in cell A7. When populating this cell disregard any Template names appended to the Wizard Mode button in the Ribbon.
There are three ways to populate information in the worksheet:
a) Import, type or paste data directly into the cells provided. No validation is performed until you run the upload program or open the Header or Distribution form.
b) Use the forms provided to enter the data into the Purchase Order. Data is validated and lists of values are available. To enter data in this way first position your cursor on the row you wish to contain the Purchase Order data. Then double-click in one of the cells or alternatively click on the ribbon form button.
c) Use the ‘Download’ form or ‘Download using sheet data’ button to download existing Purchase Orders. You can then use one of the methods above to update the Purchase Order information.
Refer to section: