AP Invoice Wizard


Download using Sheet Data

The Wizard provides for the download of Invoices based on a selection of downloadable columns in the worksheet.
This download method is currently limited to entering data into the following columns:  Invoice Number, Supplier Number, Supplier Name, Supplier Site, Pay Group and Hold Name.  Of course this can be expanded, so please ask if you require additional columns in the selection criteria.
Note – When using the ‘Download via sheet’ option in the Wizard, the ‘Default Values’ row (Row 10) is not used.
Enter the criteria for the download directly into the worksheet.
Select the rows to download and click the ‘Download’ button and select ‘Download using sheet data’, as shown below:
The results of the download are returned directly to the highlighted range.
Once you have downloaded some invoices you can now make changes to them to create new invoices by keying directly into the fields or double-click on the transaction to update via the Wizard form.  Once data entry has been completed, upload the transactions into Oracle Payables.
Refer to section: