Download using Sheet Data
As an alternative to the Download Form, you have the option to download information using sheet data. This download method relies on the values specified in the column(s).
Note – When using the ‘Download using sheet data’ option in the Wizard, the ‘Default Values’ row (Row 10) is not used.
Enter the criteria for the download directly into the worksheet – Inventory Org Code, Item, Transaction Type, Transaction Date (Note - Date should be time specific and therefore not ideal for download using Date), Subinventory and Reason.
For example:
Select the row(s) to download and click the ‘Download’ button and select ‘Download using sheet data’, as shown below:
The results of the download are returned directly to the highlighted range.
Download Material Transaction History
When choosing ‘Material Transaction History’ you can download previous transactions that exist in Oracle. This functionality is ideal for repetitive or reconciliation of stock. You can download transaction types not supported by Material Transaction Wizard. For these transactions you will have to update the Transaction Type before loading the transaction.
You must enter search criteria to invoke the ‘Download’:
1. You must choose an ‘Inventory Org’.
2. Optionally enter data into the other fields.
4. Click ‘Download’.
The downloader will then take the entire criteria into account and download the transactions that meet the selection criteria.
Download Material Transactions Interface
When choosing the Download Source of ‘Material Transactions Interface’ you can download transactions that exist in the interface tables. These transactions are not just More4apps Material Transaction Wizard transactions. If you reload these transactions, they will be converted to transactions created by Material Transaction Wizard.
You must enter search criteria to invoke the Download:
1. You must choose an ‘Inventory Org’ and ‘Transaction Status’.
2. Optionally enter data into the other fields. You can choose to download from just the Organization however this is not recommended due to the volume of data.
3. Click ‘Download’
The downloader will then take the entire criteria into account and download the transactions that meet the selection criteria.
Download On Hand Quantities
When choosing Download Source of ‘Onhand Quantity’ the form enables you to download on–hand balances for inventory items by: Location, Project (within the locator key flexfield), Lot and Serial Numbers.
You must enter search criteria to invoke the Download:
1. You must choose an ‘Inventory Org’.
2. Optionally enter data into the other fields. The user can choose to download from just the Inventory Org however this is not recommended due to the volume of data.
3. Click ‘Download’.
The downloader will then take the entire criteria into account and download the transactions that meet the selection criteria.
Click here to watch ‘On Hand Quantity Download’ functionality.
Download Bill of Materials
When you choose Download Source of ‘Bill of Materials’ you can download bill of materials information to build material transactions based on these. This functionality is ideal for kitting products.
You must enter search criteria to invoke the Download:
1. Select an ‘Assembly’ item number and you can use the ‘%’ sign for the wild card, as per standard Oracle functionality.
2. Optionally enter a Revision. By entering a revision it will mean the downloader will take the revision date as the implementation date (you will see the implementation date is automatically updated, if the revision is not the current revision).
3. If you wish to download an alternate choose the Alternate.
4. Click ‘Download’.
The downloader will then take the entire criteria into account and download the transactions that meet the selection criteria.
Download Wip Job Requirements
When choosing Download Source of ‘Wip Job Requirements’ you can download material requirements for individual discrete jobs using the Wip Job Requirements window.
Note: At this stage the Material Transaction Wizard does not allow the processing of material directly against a WIP job, however this functionality may be added in the future.
You must enter search criteria to invoke the Download:
1. You can enter partial Assembly item numbers; use the ‘%’ sign for the wild card, as per standard Oracle functionality. If you only enter a value in the ‘Assembly From’ field the ‘Assembly To’ field is ignored.
2. Click ‘Download’.
The downloader will then take the entire criteria into account and download the transactions that meet the selection criteria.
Download Average Cost
When choosing Download Source of ‘Average Cost’ you can download the current average cost of the inventory items within an organization.
You must enter search criteria to invoke the Download:
1. You must choose an ‘Inventory Org’ and ‘Category Set’.
2. Click ‘Download’.
The downloader will then take the entire criteria into account and download the transactions that meet the selection criteria.
Refer to section: