Material Transaction Wizard

  • Upload Material Transactions

Upload Material Transactions

Material Transaction Wizard uses the standard Oracle Material Transaction interface table to create the material transactions.  It does not write to any other database objects.
A large amount of non-database validation is performed by the Wizard during the upload process in order to prevent errors being loaded into Oracle. 
If any part of the material transaction fails the Wizard validation or the Oracle Material Transaction API validation, the Material Transaction Line will not be loaded.   Other valid lines will load.
Upload Options
Inventory transactions are processed in two different ways, either ‘Online’ or in batch ‘Background’ mode.  When uploading data select the processing mode you wish to use from the Material Transaction Wizard ribbon. 
Online Processing
If you want the Wizard to process your transactions as you load them, use the ‘Process Online’ Process Option.  The transaction will load into the Material Transactions Interface Table then trigger a process to load it into Oracle (you cannot see this process on the concurrent manager).
Process Background
Using the ‘Process Background’ option the transactions are written into the Material Transaction Interface Table.  Using this method you need to launch the Interface Manager job from within Oracle (Navigation: Inventory-> Setup-> Transactions-> Interface Managers). 
Refresh Transaction Status
Click the ‘Refresh Interface Status’  button to refresh the status of transactions.  The refresh checks the interface tables and returns the transaction status.  If the record is no longer in the interface a check is made to see if the transaction has been executed in Oracle.  If so then the status of the transaction is set to Accepted
Refer to section:  Status and Message Columns
Note: The transaction ID will be updated to reflect the ID Oracle uses rather than the ID submitted by the interface program. 
Choose the option to either ‘Validate Only’ or ‘Validate and Upload’ the transactions.  If you ‘Validate Only’, then the transactions are not inserted into the interface table.  If you upload in ‘Validate and Upload’ mode, then any valid lines are inserted into the Material_transactions_interface table.
Refer to section: