Correcting Errors and Reloading
Correcting Rejected Data
If you have an Error status in any of the status columns, you need to read the message in the ‘Line Message’, ‘Lot or Element Message’ or/and ‘Serial Number Message’ column/s and investigate the data. The error messages relate to data on the same row in the relevant section.
To correct the information either key directly into the worksheet, or open the required data entry form. Once the data has been corrected you can choose to either upload one row, selected rows or the entire worksheet.
Transactions that already have an Upload Status of Accepted will not be processed again.
Continuing the previous example after correcting the data and re-running the ‘Validate and Upload’ process - All records are successfully transferred into Oracle Inventory.
Updating the Material Transaction Interface Table
If for any reason you want to update a transaction in the interface table, there is functionality provided to do so. An update facility is not available, rather a delete and insert facility.
This button enables the user to delete lines and associated Lot and/or Serial transactions from the interface. You cannot delete a single Lot or Serial Number ie when you click ‘Delete’ you delete the whole transaction line. The ‘Delete’ button does not delete data from the MTL_Material_Transactions table. It will only delete from the MTL_Transaction_interface and the child Lot and Serial Number interface tables.
Deleting and Updating a Single Transaction
Place the cursor on any column of the transaction you wish to delete. This includes the ‘Status’ or ‘Message’ columns. Click on the ‘Delete from Interface’ button.
You can now change the data for that record, so long as you have not altered any of the ‘ID’ columns. Material Transaction Wizard will remove the Material Transaction and all its associated records. Reload the transactions.
Material Transaction Wizard will ignore any other lines already marked Accepted, only your changed transaction will be uploaded, with a new ID.
Deleting More than One Transaction
Place the cursor on any column (this includes the ‘Status’ or ‘ID’ columns), and highlight the lines you wish to delete. Click on the ‘Delete from Interface’ button.
You can now change the data for those transactions, so long as you have not altered any of the ‘ID’ columns. Material Transaction Wizard will remove the Material Transaction and all its associated records. Reload the transactions.
Material Transaction Wizard will ignore any other lines already marked Accepted. Only your changed transactions will be uploaded, with a new ID.
Refer to section: