Correct Errors and Reload

Rejected Message WHEN TRYING to Upload to the Interface Table
If you are trying to upload and have received an Error status, it is likely that the record has not been inserted into the Interface Table.  You can confirm this by checking the Interface ID column.  If this is not populated, then the record(s) will not have been inserted into the interface table.
In this situation:
       Review the message in the associated message column (which will sometimes appear as a comment on the message field). 
       Correct the information by either keying directly into the worksheet, or by opening the Item Form.
       Upload the item information into the interface table.  You can choose to upload one row, selected rows or the entire worksheet. 
Continue with the process by submitting the Item Import Concurrent Program(s).
Rejected Message AFTER uploading to the Interface Table
When your record has been uploaded into the Interface Table, you may receive an Errorstatus after running the Item Import Concurrent Program(s). You can confirm that your record is in the interface table by checking that it has an Interface ID populated in the worksheet.
In this situation:
       Review the message in the associated message column (which will sometimes appear as a comment on the message field).
       Delete the Item Information from the interface table.  To do this use your cursor to select the item and click the ‘Concurrent Processing’ icon and select ‘Delete From Interface’ from the ribbon:
       Correct the information by either keying directly into the worksheet, or by opening the Item Form.
       Upload the item information into the interface table.  You can choose to upload one row, selected rows or the entire worksheet. 
       Submit Item Import Concurrent Program(s).
Updating Item Information in the Interface Table
If for any reason you want to change the information after uploading to the interface table there is functionality provided to do so.
The following steps need to be done prior to the Item Import Concurrent Program importing the information into Oracle Inventory.
In this situation:
       Delete the Item Information from the interface table.  To do this use your cursor to select the item and click the ‘Concurrent Processing’ icon and select ‘Delete From Interface’ from the ribbon.
       Change the information by either keying directly into the worksheet or opening the Item form.
       Upload the item information into the interface table.  You can choose to upload one row, selected rows or the entire worksheet. 
       Continue with the process by submitting the Item Import Concurrent Program(s) to import the item(s).
Refer to section: