Creating Templates for Budget Amount Mode

Before you can select the Budget Amounts mode you need to create a template.
These differ slightly from templates you create for other GL Wizard modes as you need to create a separate template for each required combination of Budget Name and Period Year.
To create a new template, click on the ‘Manage Templates’ icon on the ‘GL Wizard – Setup’ ribbon.  The following form will appear.  Select New’ as the Action and then enter a name for your new template.
Click ‘Ok’ and then select ‘Budget Amounts’ from the list of Modes.  Then click ‘Ok’.
To finalize the creation of the template you need to associate it with a Budget Name and a Period Year.  You cannot assign a budget with Status ‘Frozen’ to a template.
You can additionally enter Period From and Period To values if you require a period other than the full Period Year.
Click ‘Ok’ to save the template.
The template will now be available for you to select from the ‘Generate template’ form.  Select the Template from the LOVs.
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