To enter Budget Amounts you can either enter data directly into the sheet or use the Budget Amount Header form which is accessed via the icon on the ribbon.
•Ledger Name: Select a Ledger Name (mandatory, but for R12 only).
•Budget Organization: Select a value from the list of values available. This field is optional, but if you do not populate it, the Wizard will allocate the amounts to the ‘ALL’ Budget Organization.
•Update Logic: Select from the available options:
(i)Add – This will add the amounts entered in the Wizard to the existing balances for the selected budget and period.
(ii)Replace – This will replace existing balances for the selected budget and period with the amounts entered in the Wizard.
•Currency Code: Enter the appropriate Currency Code for the selected Budget Organization Account.
•Account: Enter the account combination or the alias for the account you wish to update.