The ‘Validate Option’ on the Bill of Materials Ribbon offers the user a range of options as to how/whether to upload data.
·Validate Only- Validate all bills selected without uploading them. Validation is run on the entire bill even when sections do not have an upload action.
Validation will be performed on every unloadable field and set any applicable default when an empty field is encountered. This allows the user to perform a test run that validates the selected records but does not upload the records.
·Validate and Upload- Validate the selected bills (as above) and upload them to Oracle.Although all sections will be validated, only those sections with an upload action will be uploaded, so it is possible to add a Component to an existing Bill of Materials and only upload that Component.
·Validate Concurrent- Validate the selected bills (as above) and upload them to Oracle using a background concurrent process.
This allows you to continue working while the data is loading into Oracle.