Mass AdditionsThis function allows you to add new assets or cost adjustments via mass additions interface tables.
Use the ‘Mass Additions’ template for this function.
You can download existing Mass Addition lines to the Wizard by using the ‘Download Form’ or the ‘Download using sheet data’ option from the Asset Wizard ribbon.
Use the ‘Book’, ‘Queue’, and ‘Invoice Number’ fields LOVs to download the desired records to the Wizard.
Double-click in the row you wish to enter data into or alternatively select the form from the ‘Forms’ icon on the ribbon. This will bring up the ‘Mass Additions’ form, as shown below:
Required Fields
During an Addition, the ‘Book’ and ‘Queue’ fields are required. Consequently, they are set as required fields on the form highlighted with a yellow background.
‘Mass Addition ID’ is a unique identifier and defaults from the database.
Each Mass Addition belongs to a queue that describes its status. The ‘Action’ determines as per the transactions you perform on the Mass Addition. When the ‘Queue’ field is set to ‘Post’, a number of fields including Category are required.
Source Tab
Project Number, Project Name and Task Number are LOVs and will validate the values when you enter in the form.
Asset Details Tab
‘Units’ are mandatory and the form allows the user to alter the Units for splitting.
‘Add to Asset Number’ field allows the user to choose an existing Asset to add this Mass Addition line.
Optional for ‘Add to Asset’ functionality – Amortize Adjustment, New Category and Description. If a new ‘Category and Description’ is selected, then you have to enter the new ‘Description’ (this is mandatory).
Depreciation Tab
You can add or alter the Depreciation details in this section.
Short Fiscal Year Tab
Category DFF Tab
Assignments Form
Reporting Ledger Form
If the Book is associated with a reporting ledger, then you can manually enter the exchange rate that you want the asset to use during creation. Note: these fields cannot be viewed via the standard EBS Mass Addition forms. You will need access to SQL or download using the Wizard.
Save Changes
To save your changes click the ‘Ok’ button. The ‘Ok’ button will save the changes and close the form. To clear your changes, click the ‘Cancel’ button.
Upload Transactions
Once your Mass Additions are entered, you can upload the transactions to Oracle Assets using the instructions in the Upload Transactions section.
Mass Addition Functions
The following are the functions that are available in the list of values in the ‘Action’ field:
· Create – This action allows to create a mass addition record as like Web ADI. The Wizard allows to create a Mass Addition in Current, Prior and Future period.
Transaction Type and Transaction Date is auto populated based on Date Placed in Service.
· Create All – Use this function to automatically also create records using the following section data for the Mass Addition record, without having to populate ‘Create’ in each individual section.
· Update – Use to ‘Update’ action for updating other details within the form/lines, the same way you can update fields in Oracle.
· Split – You can only split a line if your unit in the ‘Asset’ Tab is more than one Unit. Split Code and Split Parent ID will have populated after the split.
· Split After Update – Use this action to update the mass addition records and split the records at the same time.
· Undo Split – Use if you want to undo the ‘Split-ed’ records. You can ‘Undo Split’ only to the parent record (Queue = Split and S/M Code = ‘SP’).
· Merge – You can merge separate mass addition lines into a single mass addition line with a single cost. The mass addition line becomes a single asset when you Post Mass Additions to Oracle Assets.
You can only merge mass additions in the ‘New’, ‘On Hold’, or user-defined hold queues.
Merge in the More4apps Wizard is done the opposite way of doing it in the Oracle form. In the Oracle form, the parent line merges with all the children lines.
In the More4apps Wizard, the CHILD lines merge with the Parent Line.
Open the CHILD line in the Wizard and select ‘MERGE’ from the ‘Action’ List. ‘Merge Into’ – Select the parent invoice number you want to merge. Upload to Oracle.
‘Merge Into’ field LOV will list ‘Mass Addition Id’, ‘Invoice Number’ and ‘Invoice Line Number’.
Sum the number of units in Merge – Sum of units in Merge is controlled by a Profile Option ‘More4Apps: AW Sum Units flag for Mass Additions’. When this profile is set to ‘Yes’ the Wizard automatically sums the number of units when uploading to Oracle.
· Undo Merge – Download the CHILD lines and select ‘UNDO MERGE’ from Action’ List. Upload to Oracle. Child line will have ‘MC’ on the ‘Merged Code’ and ‘Queue’ will be ‘Merged’ status. If you undo a Merge, the mass addition lines appear as they did before the Merge.
Add to Asset – Use this function to add the ‘mass addition line’ to an existing asset. Select ‘Update’ from the ‘Action’ field and select the asset number in the ‘Add to Asset Number’ field. When choosing this field ‘Amortize NBV’ and ‘New Category & Description’ are option for this functionality.
Remove ‘Add to Asset’ – To remove the mass addition line added to the asset, enter ‘Update’ into the ‘Action’ field. Enter the word [BLANK] in the ‘Add to Asset Number’ field which is in the Asset tab.
Post – To post any records the ‘Action’ field must be ‘Update’ and the ‘Queue’ field must be ‘Post’. This will change the Queue in the mass addition line in Oracle to ‘Post’.
Need to run ‘Post Mass Additions’ concurrent set programs in Oracle to change the queue name to ‘Posted’.
Refer to section: