Supplier Wizard

  • Error Handling and Validation

Error Handling and Validation

There are two levels of validation:
     Spreadsheet Validation - The Supplier form validates the data using lists of values, date formats, field lengths and some other field level validation.
     Upload Validation - The upload process will perform the spreadsheet validation above as well as the validation within the API.
Data keyed directly into the worksheet (not via the Supplier form) will be validated when it is uploaded.   If you wish to check anything before it is uploaded, simply open the form or select the ‘Validate only’ option on the ribbon and select the upload icon for the suppliers which need to be checked.
Refer to section:  Upload Suppliers
If an error is encountered:
     At the ‘Spreadsheet Validation’ point of the process then the entire supplier will not be processed.  The record which has an error must be corrected or alternatively deleted from your worksheet before the supplier (and associated sites and/or contacts) can be uploaded.
     At the ‘API’ point of the process then the records which have been processed when the error is encountered will be processed but the records (for the current supplier) after this point will not be processed.  The record which has an error must be corrected or alternatively deleted from your worksheet before the remaining records for this supplier can be uploaded.
Refer to section: