Supplier Wizard


Customize Fields

A form has been provided to assist with creating a Template which is used when the ‘New Worksheet’ button  is clicked.  This new worksheet will be created based on the ‘Select Template Columns’ form. 
Click on the ‘Customize Fields’ button on the Supplier Wizard – Setup Ribbon to open this form:
The ‘Select Template Columns’ form will display:
There are 13 tabs which correspond to the information displayed on the Supplier form.  Navigate to each tab and select the columns needed in the worksheet.  The columns with a grey tick are required by the Wizard (Mandatory) and cannot be deselected.
The buttons on the base of this form perform the following functions:
     Accept & Close - Records the settings and returns to the current worksheet.  You should save your workbook.
     Accept & Create - Records the settings, creates a new worksheet and returns you to the newly created worksheet.
     Cancel - Returns you to the worksheet and no changes will be made.
When a ‘New Worksheet’ button  on the Supplier Wizard ribbon is selected, the columns previously selected on this form will appear on your worksheet.  Changes made on this form do not modify existing worksheets.
Refer to section: