Enter Invoices and On Account Credit MemosAR Invoice Wizard uses two API's to create Receivables transactions.
This section relates to entering invoices and credit memos that are not applied to existing transactions. Refer to the next section in this document Enter Applied Credit Memos for information relating to the necessary data requirements for these transactions.
Note - The Wizard accepts a combination of Invoices, On Account Credit Memos, and Applied Credit Memos all in the same worksheet.
If all of your transactions in the worksheet are to be created in the same batch, select Upload Option of ‘Create Batch’ from the ribbon:
![]() If the user uploads invoices in a batch and then chooses to upload more invoices using the workbook without logging out, the invoices will be added to the same batch (as it’s using the same session). If additional invoices are to be created in a different batch, please logout and login again before uploading.
If the API rejects some records in an upload, any accepted records in the same upload will all be assigned the same Batch Name. When the errored records are fixed and uploaded, these will all be assigned the next Batch Name in the sequence.
Note – Oracle will automatically assign a Batch Name to all of these transactions. The ‘Batch Name’ column is not user enterable. Once created the Batch Name will be populated in this sheet column for reference.
![]() Note - If you choose ‘Create Batch’ and you don’t have the following patch applied, you will get this message:
![]() If batches are not required select Upload Option of ‘Create Single’ from the drop down:
![]() The API used to create Receivables transactions can use a Batch Source type of 'Imported' or 'Manual'.
The AR Invoice API Wizard worksheet is separated into Invoice Header, Header Attachments, Invoice Lines, Sales Credit Details, Distribution Lines, and Line Attachment sections. To create an invoice, you must enter information into at least the Invoice Header and Lines sections. If AutoAccounting is not setup, the distribution section also needs to be populated.
Note - Deposits are not supported in this Wizard at this time.
Refer to section: