AttachmentsAR Invoice API Wizard enables the loading of Attachments against Invoice Headers and Lines.
The user can key Attachment information directly into the relevant cells in the worksheet. However, the Attachment form will assist the user to enter the details correctly.
The Attachment form can be opened by either:
· Clicking on the ‘Forms’ icon on the ribbon and selecting the relevant icon:
![]() · Double-clicking in a relevant cell within the worksheet for one of the attachment columns.
Example of Header Attachment form:
![]() · Select the Type of Attachment: FILE, TEXT OR URL
· Select the Category from the list of values.
· Enter a Description (optional)
· Depending on the type of Attachment enter the details:
- File: Use the ‘…’ icon to search your directories and find the file. Alternatively, type the path and filename directly into the field. Click on the ‘View Document’ button to check that the file can be successfully opened.
- Text: Type the text directly into the field provided.
- URL: Type the full URL into the field provided. Click on the ‘View Document’ button to check that the URL can be successfully accessed.
· Click on the ‘Ok’ button.
The Attachment information will be written into the cells in the worksheet.