Every worksheet will be created with an ‘Upload Status’ and ‘Line Status’ column which are used to record the status for the ‘Header’ and each ‘Line’:
Status Explanation
Prior to running the validate/upload process.
All the information for this transaction has successfully passed the spreadsheet validation but has NOT been loaded into Oracle Purchasing.
All the information for this transaction has been successfully loaded into Oracle Purchasing.
All the information for this transaction has been uploaded to the interface table ready for importing into Oracle Purchasing.
All the information for this transaction has not been successfully loaded into Oracle
All the information for this transaction(s) has been deleted from the interface table.
The ‘Upload Message’ and ‘Line Message’ columns are used to record any warning or error messages resulting from the Validate/Upload process e.g. ‘Subinventory must be blank when the Destination Type is Receiving’.
In the following example when uploading into the interface table, one line was rejected with the message ‘Subinventory must be blank when the Destination Type is Receiving’. The header and four lines were successfully processed as per example below:
Remove the ‘Upload Status’ and ‘Line Status’ messages, correct the errored data and re-run the ‘Validate and Upload’ process. All transactions are successfully transferred into the interface table as per the example below:
You are not required to delete the existing transaction from the interface table as the Wizard will use the existing process set and interface ID’s.