Default Purchase Order Information into the Wizard

PO Matching: Download PO details by sheet
This feature is available in releases later than 9.1.77
The Wizard will populate Header and Distribution columns with information from the Purchase Order, for example Supplier data, Currency data, available to match distribution data including matching data, quantities and amounts.
Note:  If the Purchase Order you are downloading has lines with Match Option ‘P’, no receipt information will be downloaded for these lines.  This is because these lines can only be matched to purchase order lines, not receipts.
a)  Enter Purchase Order numbers into the ‘PO Number Invoice Level’ column in the Invoice Header section.
b)  Highlight the desired range of purchase orders and select the download option from the ‘PO Matching’ button as per the example below:
Ribbon image from Wizard version 9.1.77 to 10.2.24
Ribbon image from Wizard version 10.2.25 onwards
c)  The Purchase Order related information will be downloaded into the appropriate Wizard fields, ready for checking and update as necessary.
The invoice line amount value will populate based on the remainder of the value(s) in the purchase order line(s).  If there is no value remaining in the purchase order, the invoice line amount will be blank.
Refer to section: