Specifications ModeThis mode is used to apply specifications to an item within an inventory organization.
We do not support category specifications with this Wizard, only item-based specifications.
You cannot update specifications, only create and delete them. This is the limitation of the Oracle API.
For the Spec Elements you can process and add a transaction at the same time as deleting a transaction.
This load type uses standard supported oracle API QP_SPEC_PUB.
This mode has four sections:
1. Specifications section where you enter the specification name and their effectivity date.
2. Specifications DFF section is used for Specifications descriptive flexfields.
3. The Spec Element section is used to Create and Delete a Specification Element to an Item specification.
4. Spec Element DFF section is used for Specification Elements descriptive flexfields.
Specifications Form
To open the user form, double-click in a cell in the Specifications Section on the row you wish to populate the Specifications data (must be below row 10).
The following ‘Specifications’ form will display:
The fields displayed are the columns that were on the active sheet when the Wizard was initialized. You can enter data directly into the form and use the list of values supplied.
The Specification uses the following columns:
Organization Code – Inventory Organization is a required field.
Item Number must exist in the Inventory Organization and is a required field.
Organization Code and the Specification Name are unique identifiers of the record.
Specification Name:
(i) The Specification Name is unique over ALL inventory organizations.
(ii) A specification can only exist in one organization, it isn’t assigned to multiple organizations.
(iii) If the specification doesn’t match what is setup already for the item in that organization, then error the record.
(iv) Specifications cannot be updated, only deleted and re-added.
Spec Effective From/To Dates:
(i) Effective Date From defaults to sysdate when creating a Spec.
(ii) Effective To Date must be greater than the Effective From date or NULL. Default value is NULL.
(iii) You can back date the Effective From date to previous than the current date.
(iv) The dates can be modified at a later time.
(v) The dates are not time sensitive.
Reference Spec – A specification can reference another specification; if so then the Spec Elements cannot be added.
Specifications DFF Form
To open the Specification DFF form, double-click in a cell in the Specifications DFF section on the row you wish to populate the Specification DFF data (must be below row 10), or click the ‘Specifications DFF’ tab on the Specifications form.
The following ‘Specifications DFF’ form will display:
If you previously downloaded your Specification first (See the Download Translations section), and there are some DFFs you wish to load, enter the DFF for upload.
When these are populated along with the Specifications section the record can be uploaded.
Spec Element Form
To open the Specification Elements form, double-click in a cell in the ‘Spec Element’ section on the row you wish to populate the Specification Elements data (must be below row 10), or click the ‘Spec Element’ tab on the Spec Element form.
The following ‘Spec Element’ form will display:
Spreadsheet Spec Element Data Columns:
Spec Elements section can be created without the header upload action column.
Specification Elements are the basic components of a specification. They can be any data type, but typically, they are numeric.
The Upper Limit must be greater or equal to the Lower Limit:
(i) The Lower Limit must be less than or equal to the Upper Limit.
(ii) If an Upper or Lower Limit exists, the respective Upper or Lower Limit can be null.
(iii) Null values are allowed for both Upper and Lower Limits.
The Specification Element:
(i) This is a predefined list of values based on the elements you have defined in the Quality Module.
(ii) Duplicate elements for the same item are not allowed.
(iii) Enabled list of values can be set to Yes/No in both create and update modes.
The Specification Limits - The Limit fields can be any ASCII value. However, if both the Upper and Lower Levels are populated then the Lower Value must be less than the Upper Value (ASCII validation), ie 100 is less than 50 because the first character is 1, the whole value is not taken into account. Alpha values are acceptable:
(i) Optionally enter the UOM code.
(ii) If any of the following are specified in the element details:
Target value
Lower spec limit
Upper spec limit
Lower reasonable limit
Upper reasonable limit
Lower user defined limit
Upper user defined limit
(iii) Are not on the spreadsheet as a column, then this default value is uploaded.
(iv) Are on the spreadsheet without a value then populate the cell with this value.
(v) If the element is selected and being used for the first time, then populate the respective details with the default values.
(vi) If the element already exists and you are doing an update then default the values based on the element’s current values, if the values are missing.
If the unit of measure precision is set for the element, then the field is numeric with the precision set from this element.
When these are populated along with the Specifications section the record can be uploaded.
Spec Element DFF Form
To open the Specification Elements DFF form, double-click in a cell in the Spec Elements DFF section on the row you wish to populate the Specifications Elements DFF data (must be below row 10), or click the ‘Spec Elements DFF’ tab on the Spec Elements form.
The following ‘Spec Element DFF’ form will display:
If you previously downloaded your Item first (See the Download Translations section), and there are some DFFs you wish to load, enter the DFF for upload.
When these are populated along with the Specifications and Spec Elements section the record can be uploaded.
Refer to section: