Item Wizard

  • Set up the Worksheet

Set up the Worksheet

Item Wizard is equipped with the latest Templating functionality.  Templates give the user the ability to Create, Modify and Delete worksheet templates and store them in the database.
Templates can also be limited by responsibility for security purposes when required. This provides the ability to share templates across users and removes the hassle of manually rebuilding a worksheet every time a certain configuration of columns is required.
There are three profile options used to control the use of Templates:
       More4Apps: IW Restrict to templates only - Determines whether users MUST use templates or not.  If set to Yes, users can only use the Wizard by selecting a template i.e. they cannot generate a pre-defined template sheet.  If set to No or left blank, then templating or mode options can be used.
       More4Apps: IW Restrict to modes only - Determines whether users MUST use modes or not.  If set to Yes, users can only use the Wizard by selecting a mode i.e. they cannot generate a pre-defined template sheet.  If set to No or left blank, then templating or mode options can be used.
       More4Apps: IW Template Manager - This profile allows customers to nominate a user to manage templates.  This is useful if the user lacks sysadmin access and cannot be granted sysadmin.  The profile is set up at the user level.  To enable sysadmin access for templating select ‘Yes’ for the current user.
WARNING - Do NOT set 'More4Apps IW: Restrict to templates only' and 'More4Apps IW: Restrict to Modes only' to 'Yes' at the same level as this will create a conflict the Wizard cannot resolve.
If you do not wish to use templates, follow the steps in the next section Select Wizard Mode to create a default worksheet based on the selected upload Mode.
Note:  If you are upgrading from a version where template functionality is not available, your existing worksheets will not work in the new version of the Wizard.  You can create standard ‘Default’ worksheets based on upload mode or create new templates and associated worksheets.
Refer to section: