Item Wizard


Download Using Sheet Data

The Item Wizard ‘Download using sheet data’ option, only has the following fields available as filters:
Item Mode
       Organization Code
       Item Number
       Engineering Item
       Planning time Fence
       Planned Time Fence Days
       Demand Time Fence
       Demand Time Fence Days
       Release Time Fence
       Category Set
Organization Assignment Mode
       Organization Code
       Item Number
UDA Items Mode
       Organization Code
       UDA Group      
Description Translations Mode
       Organization Code
       Item Number
Maintain Categories Mode
       Structure Name
Transaction Defaults Mode
       Item Number
       Subinventory Default For
       Locator Default for
Cross Reference Mode
       Item Number
       Cross Reference Type
       Applicable To All Organizations
Specifications Mode
       Organization Code      
       Specification Name
       Item Number
Item Relationships Mode
       Item Number
       Related Item
       Relationship Type
To perform a download using sheet data there must be values in the corresponding columns mentioned above.  If there is data in other columns that are not supported for download using sheet data, they will be ignored on download.
Enter values in the sheet that you wish to download by.  As shown below in the Wizard you can apply multiple filters in one download.
Highlight the rows you wish to filter the download by and select the ‘Download’ option in the Item Wizard ribbon, followed by the ‘Download using sheet data’ option.
**Applicable only to the Items Mode.
When performing the download via sheet at this step in the download another window will appear, ‘Select Download Source’. For more information on this please refer to the Download Sources/From Interface section.
When the download is complete you will be encountered with a window asking if you would like to clear the download criteria.
Click ‘Yes’ when you do not require the previous download filters. On the other hand, click ‘No’ if you would like to retain the filter criteria in the sheet.
The download then prints all data found with the applied filters to the sheet.
Refer to section: