Description Translations ModeThis mode is used to load different item description language translations.
New languages cannot be added to items in this mode. Only languages that are available on your installation of Oracle EBS will be available.
This mode has two sections:
1. The ‘Items’ section is used to select the item required for updating the Language Description(s).
2. The ‘Languages’ section will be used to update the ‘Description’ and ‘Long Description’ to the specified language, for the item.
Refer to section:
Items Form
The Items user form in this mode is used to enter information into the worksheet and validate the information.
To open the user form, double-click in a cell in the Items section, on the row you wish to populate the Item data (must be below row 10).
![]() The following is an example of the Items user form:
![]() The fields displayed are the columns that were on the active sheet when the Wizard was initialized. You can enter data directly into the form and use the list of values supplied. In this mode only the master organizations can have a language translation as the description is relational with any organization level items. Ensure to select an Organization Code and search for an Item Number you wish to load.
Languages Form
As mentioned in the section above, to open the Languages form double-click in a cell in the Languages section on the row you wish to populate the Item data (must be below row 10).
An example of the form can be seen below:
![]() If previously you downloaded your item first (See the Download Translations section), and there are some languages you do not want to load, you can leave the ‘Languages Upload Action’ field empty. The Wizard will then ignore that language for upload.
Mandatory fields in this form include the ‘Language’ and ‘Description’. The ‘Language’ list of values will only populate with the available languages in the Oracle EBS instance.
When these are populated along with the ‘Organization Code’ and ‘Item Number’ from the previous section the record can be uploaded.
Refer to section: