Enter Entity Information

First select the correct worksheet/mode for the relative information to be entered. 
If the mode required is correct, click on the ‘New Sheet’ button from the Item Extension Wizard ribbon (e.g. example Related Item):
Or if you need to change the template/mode, click the ‘Select Template’ icon on the ribbon:
The ‘Generate template’ form will open for the user to select from the list provided.  Details of these templates are provided in the Select Wizard Mode section.  Click ‘Create New’ on this form to create the required worksheet.
You are now ready to create or update the information.
Methods of Entering Data into the Worksheet
There are three ways to populate information into the worksheet:
(a)        Import a file, type or paste data directly into the cells provided.  No validation is performed until you run the upload or open the Item form.
(b)        Use the Wizard Mode ‘Form’ to enter the data into the worksheet.  Data is validated and lists of values are available.  This form changes depending on what Wizard Mode you are using.
(c)        Use the download functions to download existing information for an item from Oracle Inventory or Quality.  You can then use method (a) or (b) above to update the information or create new records.
Refer to section: