ABC Assignment

When it comes to using ABC Assignment mode, it is using direct table insert. Unfortunately, there isn't Oracle API available for this mode, so users will need to be extra diligent in testing before making the move to the production environment.
ABC Assignment groups associate ABC classes with a cycle count ABC compile.
You assign items to ABC classes within a particular group.  This allows you to assign items to different ABC classes in different groups.
Classes are applied to items; such as high volume items get A counts, low value low volume get C counts.  But you can manually assign items as you wish.
This functionality takes the pain out of creating, updating and deleting ABC combinations.
Set the profile ‘More4Apps: IEW Activate ABC Assignment Mode’ to "Yes". Note that this is using a direct table insert into the Oracle tables and is not supported by Oracle.
Rules and Exceptions:
ABC Assignment is at the Organization/ABC compile level per item.
Create/Insert can only occur if an item exists in Oracle.
This is a one to many relationship where one ABC Item can exist on many ABC Groups, within an Organization.
Duplicates are not allowed.  A duplicate is the same item and existing within an ABC Group (You cannot have the same item having multiple classes either).
Updates are allowed.
Deletes are allowed.
Functionality Type:
Assign ABC cycle count classes to items.
User Form Layout:
Spreadsheet Data Columns:
      ABC Group/ABC Assignment groups link a particular ABC compile with a valid set of ABC classes.
      ABC Item - The Oracle Inventory Item.
      ABC Item Description - A read only field showing the Item Description.
      ABC Class - Used to identify the value groupings to which your items belong. This can be updated to another class.
      ABC Class Description - A read only field showing the ABC Class Description.
      Delete ABC Assignment - Option to delete the item from the ABC Class.
Click here to watch ‘ABC Assignment’ functionality. 
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