Upload Options

To upload Item Cost information to the interface table first select a ‘Process Option’ then the ‘Validate Option’ of ‘Validate and Upload’ from the ribbon.  You can choose to upload a single, a range or all item costs.
Alternatively, you can just validate (and not upload) the data by choosing ‘Validate only’ from the ribbon.
You cannot upload line items where the item already exists in the interface table, even if that line has a status of Error this is a constraint of Oracle’s interface functionality.  You must delete lines with errors from the interface table first before reloading the same item again.
To do this, click either ‘Delete selected costs’ or ‘Delete all costs’ from the interface table, on the Item Cost Wizard ribbon. 
Choose Processing Option
When uploading Item Costs choose one of the following process options from the Item Cost Wizard ribbon:
Create Only:  This mode can be used if the User is importing large numbers of items and is unsure if Item/Organization/Cost Type combination exists in Oracle Applications.  If it does exist the row in the Wizard will be flagged as an error and not imported. This would prevent any accidental overwrite of existing data.
Create and Replace:  All the previous cost and sub element information for this item, cost type, organization combination will be deleted from the production tables and the new information will replace the existing one.
If a new cost element is to be added, which has the same Cost Element, Sub Element, Activity and Basis then this option should be selected and the existing cost elements should be included in your worksheet even if they are not being modified.
This is required as the Wizard is unable to identify if you are updating the existing cost element or creating a new cost element.
Create and Update:  Any valid lines are inserted into the interface table.  The Wizard also adds the current sub elements (excluding any you are updating) to the interface table.  This circumvents the lack of functionality with this interface provided by Oracle.
In all modes, if any sub-element fails validation, all sub-elements for that item/cost type are not loaded.
Create or Validate Your Cost Updates
Item Cost Wizard allows you to ‘Validate only’ information or ‘Validate and Upload’ the data into Oracle Inventory interface table.  Choose the validate option you require from the Item Cost Wizard ribbon:
Validate only – Choosing this option will validate the data only and will not upload it to the interface table.
Validate and Upload – Choosing this option will validate and then upload the data into the interface.
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