Item Cost Wizard

  • Process Manufacturing – OPM Cost Adjustments

Process Manufacturing – OPM Cost Adjustments

This option lets you adjust the final calculated actual cost of a raw material or product based on quantity and unit cost.  Actual costs are recalculated based on the adjustments that you enter for the specified item, inventory organization, cost calendar, and cost period. 
To take advantage of this new functionality the user will need to:
1.    Ensure they are logged in with an OPM enabled responsibility
2.    Ensure they have OPM enabled Organizations and Items
3.    Ensure the correct users are assigned to the OPM responsibility
Once the above has been set, the Wizard Mode can be switched to ‘OPM Actual Cost Adjustment’:
This will change the Wizard ribbon to show the controls only associated with the Cost Adjustment mode, shown below:
Refer to section: