For budgets time phased by GL or PA Period a form is available to help you populate the ‘Period Name’ column headings. Choose the ‘Period Header Columns’ icon on the ribbon.
The ‘Periods’ form will display:
By allowing you to place any number of Budget Header lines in the spreadsheet you can have as many Budget Types and Budget Entry Methods (and Resource Lists) as you like on one sheet.
However, if you want to have both GL Periods and PA Periods then you will need to use separate sheets (unless they are the same) as we have only provided one set of header columns for Periods.
There is nothing to stop you from changing the headers between upload runs of course but we recommend you use separate sheets to preserve your history.
To enter budget amounts, key directly into the worksheet as no form is provided.
If you do not use time phased budgeting by GL or PA periods you can delete all these columns safely. By naming a column ‘Period Name’ in row 8 you can run the ‘Periods Header Form’ and rebuild your column headers.
Where PA Periods are the same as GL Periods
Oracle Projects module allows you to choose GL periods as the basis for PA Periods. If you have chosen this implementation option, then the distinction between the period types is meaningless, as they are the same. Budget Wizard will determine if this is the case and cause the relevant forms and programs to behave as if only PA Periods exist. The exception to this is for Actual Downloads. You must always choose between GL and PA Periods for Actual data, as these can be different.