AR Receipt Wizard

  • Upload Receipts, Applications and Adjustments

Upload Receipts, Applications and Adjustments

To upload transactions, select a Validate Option from the list of values.  The choices are either ‘Validate only’ or ‘Validate and Upload’.
Note - Any records in the current worksheet with an Accepted status will be ignored during upload.  If you have created and loaded a receipt and are using the same worksheet to later allocate the receipt, you need to clear out the Accepted status from the worksheet.
Validate only
This option will perform validation on every populated field and enter any applicable default when an empty field is encountered - no data is actually uploaded under this sett.  This allows the user to perform validation for the selected records in advance of uploading.
When running ‘Validate only’ all the invoices entered in the Application section will be validated to verify that they exist and their Outstanding Balance is returned to the worksheet.  This is useful where your customer provides you with an electronic version of the remittance advice, enabling you to compare the receipt details to the downloaded open balance.
In the ‘Validate only’ mode, the validation checks performed are those which verify that the data entered into the Wizard is valid based on your Oracle instance’s configuration and the data dependencies built into the Wizard.  They do not include all errors which may be encountered when the data is loaded into the Oracle tables.  Therefore, additional errors may be returned when the ‘Validate and Upload’ process is run.
Create Mode - To create a receipt you need to select the ‘Create’ Upload Action from the AR Receipt Wizard Ribbon.  If this is used in combination with the ‘Validate only’ option, then validation will be performed but the Receipt Number will not be validated.
Apply or Unapply Mode - To apply a receipt already in Oracle you use these options.  If these options are selected then the Receipt Number will need to exist and it will be validated.
Adjustment Mode - To adjust a transaction already in Oracle you use these options.  If this option is selected, then the Transaction Number will need to exist, and it will be validated.
Validate and Upload
This option will perform validation as per the ‘Validate only’ option and will then proceed to load the individual receipts. Every validated transaction is sent to Oracle and a Transaction ID is retrieved when successful and populated into the Wizard worksheet.
Upload Selected Invoices
There are three ways of selecting which transactions will be uploaded:
       A single transaction
       A range of transactions
       All transactions on the worksheet
Each method performs the same steps within the selection.  Consequently, they only differ by the scope of the selection.
Refer to section: