Application Interface Wizard


Package Specification

The authid current_user is used when you want a piece of code (PL/SQL) to execute with the privileges of the current user, and NOT the user ID that created the procedure.  This is used mainly for BOLINF purposes - when this is installed under BOLINF but run as APPS.
The package spec should be formatted as below with revisions and comments
The header version should match the specification date, and the version number and be updated for any code changes to be released.  The Header Version will appear in the about section in the AIW spreadsheet.
The procedure version is required for the about section in the AIW spreadsheet.
This is the main procedure that will be called by the loader.
Any columns to be included in the parent section can be called directly as parameters
Any columns to be included in the child sections are included as a table type.
x_return_status - will return Success or Failure from the package body for parent section
x_err_msg - will return the error message for the parent section
Record type:
This is a record type containing all the child columns.  The columns that are required are:
x_err_msg - returns an error message for the child section
x_return_status - returns Success or Failure for the child section
p_row_num - required field - keeps track of the child row for AIW
create or replace
PACKAGE M4APS_AIW_XYZ authid current_user AS   
   NAME:       M4APS_AIW_XYZ
   PURPOSE:    Put the purpose here
   Ver    Date         Author           Description
   -----  -----------  ---------------  ------------------------------------
   1.0.0  31 Aug 2017  S Smith          Created
   header_version  VARCHAR2 (20) := '1.0.0 31-Aug-17';
   -- Return the header and body version in XML format
   procedure version (p_header_version   out   varchar2,
                      p_body_version     out   varchar2);
   type asset_lines_rec is record
    project_asset_line_id   number,
    asset_id                number,
    amount                  number,
    percentage              number,
    x_err_msg               varchar2(4000) ,
    x_return_status         varchar2(1),
    p_row                   number
   TYPE asset_lines_tbl_type IS TABLE OF asset_lines_rec index by binary_integer;
         p_project_id                in     number,
         p_asset_lines               in out asset_lines_tbl_type,
         x_return_status             out    varchar2,
         x_err_msg                   out    varchar2
   ) ;
Refer to section: