Upload Project Agreements & FundingTo upload Agreements and Funding transactions, you have a choice to validate them first by using the ‘Validate’ icon on the Agreement and Funding Wizard ribbon. The choices are ‘Validate Selected’ which will validate as per rows selected, or ‘Validate All’ which will validate all rows on the sheet.
![]() Validation will be performed on every populated field and set any applicable default when an empty field is encountered. This allows the user to perform a test run that validates the selected records but does not upload the records.
The validations have been built into the Wizard, and do not include all errors which may be encountered based on your instance of Oracle. Additional errors may therefore be returned when the ‘Upload’ is performed.
Upload Transactions
Upload will perform validation as per the ‘Validate’ option but will continue to load the individual transactions for the Agreement. Every validated transaction is sent to Oracle and an ID is retrieved and written to the sheet when successful.
There are two ways of selecting which transactions will be uploaded. Each method performs the same steps within the selection; consequently, they only differ by the scope of the selection:
![]() • Upload Selected – Uploads a single or range of agreements as per the selection of rows with the cursor.
• Upload All – Uploads all agreements on the worksheet.
If you are having problems with ‘bulk uploading’ in 11i (ie AFW (11i) bulk uploading "character string buffer too small"), click on the link to search our online resources https://community.more4apps.com/s/
Upload Action
It is important to note that there are separate upload actions held against the agreement and individual funding lines. When uploading each agreement or funding record it is this action which dictates if a new record is created or the existing record changed. Refer to the Agreement Form section of this document for more information.
Agreement/Funding Status
If you have created and loaded an Agreement or Funding record and now (using the same workbook record) want to change the records, you will need to remove the Acceptedstatus from the worksheet.
Refer to section: