Extension Package

Purpose of the Extension Package
Agreement & Funding Wizard has an optional extension package includes an extension package (M4APS_AFW_EXTENSION_C3) that you can modify to meet your unique validation requirements. 
The extension package can be modified to perform additional validation, currently for Agreements only. Validation can be written to reject lines with an error message (the line’s will not be processed), or to return a warning but continue to process.
Modify the Extension Package
Please contact More4apps to request the extension package install files.
The use of the extension package is controlled by the profile option ‘More4Apps: AFW Enable Extension Pkg’.  The profile is turned off by default.  When set to ‘Yes’ it allows the customer to utilize the extension package.
Refer to section:  Profile Options
Modifying the extension package will require technical knowledge of PL/SQL (i.e. a developer or DBA resource) as well as functional knowledge to determine the logic.
Example Code to return an Error and message to the Wizard
IF agree_rec.amount > 10000 and fnd_global.resp_id = 50604 THEN
    p_status     := 'E';
    p_message := 'Your responsibility does not have permission to create high value agreements';
Example Code to return a Warning message to the Wizard
        IF agree_rec.agreement_type = ‘Private Funding’ THEN
            x_msg := ''You do not have permission to create agreements for Service Type “Private Funding”';
        END IF;
Note - Further examples can be found within the body of the Extension Package.
Included in the afw_install.zip file are the files (M4APS_AFW_EXTENSION_C3.pkb and
M4APS_AFW_EXTENSION_C3.pks).  Install the extension package using afw_install.sql. Make the necessary changes to the procedure.  Compile the package into a test instance and test your code updates thoroughly before compiling it into your production instance.