Download using Sheet DataData can be entered directly into the worksheet and used as a basis to download existing Agreements and their associated Fundings. This download method relies on the values specified in the column(s).
Enter the criteria directly in the appropriate column(s), to define the records to be downloaded.
Note: All of the criteria must be on the same line and some of the download criteria differs between the Form and the Sheet.
When you hover your mouse pointer over the ‘Download via sheet’ option, a list of columns you can use to download data back to the sheet will appear. You may enter data in one or more of the columns on the list as criteria for download.
After entering data or information into the worksheet, use your cursor to highlight the details and then click the ‘Download’ button and select ‘Download using sheet data’ to download all details which are associated with these values.
The results of the download are returned directly to the highlighted range.
Refer to section: